Armor in England and Foreign Armor in England

From the earliest times to the reign of James the First

Armor in England and Foreign Armor in England
  • Paperback: 197 pages
  • Publisher: Independently published (December 3, 2018)
  • Language: English
  • ISBN-10: 179071625X
  • ISBN-13: 978-1790716258
  • Product Dimensions: 5.5 x 0.5 x 8.5 inches

Armor in England and Foreign Armor in En
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Contents Vol I.
I The Britons — An Early Age of Plate-Armor
II The Mailed Warrior
III The Transition Period — From about the Reign of Edward I. to that of Richard II., 1272-1399
IV The Age of Plate-Armor
V The Age of Enriched Armor


Contents Vol II.
I. Introductory
II. Chain Mail
III. Gothic Armor
IV. Enriched Armor
V. Firearms and gunlocks



Vol. I Armor in England

I. Full suit of armor of Henry, Prince of Wales   
II. Second suit of Sir Henry Lee, Master of the Armory    
III. First suit of Sir Christopher Hatton, Captain of the Guard   
IV. Grand-guard of the suit of George, Earl of Cumberland    
V. Grand-guard, used for tilting, belonging to the suit of Robert Dudley, Earl of Leicester
VI. Profile of the helmet belonging to the French suit       
VII. Ornament on the tapul of the breastplate belonging to the half-suit of the Earl of Essex               
VIII. The sword of Charles I. when Prince of Wales, 1616   

Illustrations in the text                           
1. Hauberk, or byrnie, of chain-mail       
2. Norman knights in mail hauberks and conical helmets    
3. A complete suit of mail       
4. Mail coif, flat-topped, with leather thong        
5. Mail coif, round-topped, with jeweled fillet    
6. Mail coif, conical top, with coronet and mantelet   
7. Helmet of bronze and iron, from County Down        
8. Illustration of the development of plate-armor   
9. The sleeping guards, from the Easter Sepulchre  
10. Melee. From MS. of the fourteenth century       
11. The helm and crest of the Black Prince       
12. The helm of Richard Pembridge           
13. Bassinet from the tomb of Sir John de Melsa       
14. A bassinet transformed into a sallad       
15. A ridged bassinet with banded camail       
16. Effigy of the Black Prince on his tomb       
17. Gauntlet from the effigy of Ralph Neville       
18. Helm from the tomb of Henry V. in Westminster Abbey   
19. Effigy of Richard Beauchamp, Earl of Warwick   
20. The Earl of Warwick slays a “mighty Duke.”       
21. The Duke of Gloucester and Earls of Warwick and Stafford chase the Duke of Burgundy from the walls of Calais.     
22. Sallad in St. Mary‘s Hall, Coventry; Helm of Sir Giles Capel   
23. English tournament helm over the tomb of John Beaufort, Duke of Somerset, in Wimborne Minster   
24. Helm of Sir John Gostwick, in Willington Church       
25. The entry of Oueen Isabel into Paris in 1390. From MS. of Froissart       
26. Armet of Sir George Brooke, K.G., 8th Lord Cobham   
27. English armet from the collection of Seymour Lucas, A.R.A.    
28. Complete suit for fighting on foot, made for Henry VIII   
29. Suit made for Henry VIII. by Conrad Seusenhofer of Innsbruck, 1511-1514   
30. Part of a suit made for Sir Christopher Hatton   
31. Armor of Robert Dudley, Earl of Leicester, 1566-1588   
32. A suit of French armor, early seventeenth century   
33. Italian suit of blued and gilded steel covered with appliques of gold   
34. A part of the ornament of the Italian suit (Fig. 33), drawn real size    
35. Demi-suit of the Earl of Essex, with closed helmet, magnificently engraved and gilt   
36. Sword, probably of James I., with basket hilt, entirely covered with raised gold damascening   
37. The sword of John Hampden, with hilt of carved steel   

Vol. II. Foreign Armor in England


I. Painted Wooden Shield of the fifteenth century.
II. A Marauder of the “Bandes de Picardie.”        
III. Half Suit, engraved and parcel-gilt. Duke of Westminster    
IV. Gold Damascening on russet ground.
V. Breast-plate, embossed and parcel-gilt.
VI. Casque of an Officer of the Guard of Cosmo de’ Medici.    
VII. Lower part of enriched Chanfron. Suit of Charles I.   
VIII. Two Wheel-locks. German and French.   

Illustrations in the text                           
1. Mail Hauberk from Sinigaglia   
2. Standard Collar of Mail  
3. Gothic Armor. Said to be from the Church of Irene at Constantinople           
4. 5. Gothic Armor. Said to be from an old mansion, Tyrol   
6. Gothic Armor. Probably Italian   
7. St. Michael. By Perugino   
8. The Battle of Sant’ Egidio. By Uccello   
9. Carved Relief from the Visconti Tomb in the Certosa, Pavia   
10. German late Gothic Suit       
11. Suit of Maximilian Fluted Armor   
12. Maximilian Armor from Eaton Hall   
13. Engraved Maximilian Breast-plate   
14. Portrait. By Piero di Cosimo   
15. Helmet. Presented by Maximilian to Henry VIII.   
16. Cap-á-pie Suit of Henry VIII., on a Horse    
17. Tilting Helm. Time of Henry VII.    
18. Tilting Helmet. Early sixteenth century   
19. Tilting Helmet of an Ancestor of Sir Philip Sidney   
20. The Sword of Battle Abbey. Fifteenth century   
21. Sword of the Fourteenth Century with Guard       
22. German Armor. Date about 1570   
23. Suit of late Italian Armor. Embossed and damascened   
24. Fine Italian Breast-plate, c. 1550   
25. Pair of fine Italian Gauntlets. Possibly belonging to the same Suit as the Breast-plate.   
26. Embossed Gorget. French, c. 1550.    
27. Silver Armor of Charles II. when prince.    
28. Sixteenth century Armet of rare form, with double visor.    
29. Suit of parcel-gilt Armor. Made for Charles I. when prince.
30. Richly Embossed and Damascened Target. Italian, sixteenth century.
31. Target of Etched Steel. Italian or German, about 1550.    
32. Roundel, with National Badges and Inscription.    
33. Hilt of Two-handed Sword with the Bear and Ragged Staff on the Pommel and Quillons in chased steel.
34. Venetian Cinquedea, engraved, with Ivory Handle.
35. Main-Gauche with Steel Hilt.
36. Main-Gauche with Silver Guard.
37. Rapier with Silver Guard.
38. Inlaid Ivory Crossbow.
39. Pistol by Lazarino Cominazzo.
40. Early German Wheel-lock Pistol, used by the Reiters.
41. Richly Decorated Flint-lock. Probably Spanish.
42. Snap-hance of Italian make, about 1640.
43, 44. Highland Pistols.

Part of a suit made for Sir Christopher Hatton. From the Spitzer collection, and now in the possession of Mr. Charles Davis. This is No. 15 in the Armorers‘ Album in the South Kensington Museum, reproduced in our Plate III
Part of a suit made for Sir Christopher Hatton. From the Spitzer collection, and now in the possession of Mr. Charles Davis. This is No. 15 in the Armorers‘ Album in the South Kensington Museum, reproduced in our Plate III
Suit of Maximilian Fluted Armor. Belonging to Mr. Percy Macquoid
Suit of Maximilian Fluted Armor. Belonging to Mr. Percy Macquoid
Profile of the helmet belonging to the French suit (Fig 32). In the guard-chamber of Windsor Castle.
Profile of the helmet belonging to the French suit (Fig 32). In the guard-chamber of Windsor Castle.
Breast-plate, embossed and parcel-gilt. French, Collection of Mr. David Currie.
Breast-plate, embossed and parcel-gilt. French, Collection of Mr. David Currie.